We all want smooth, supple skin, which can be a challenging dream to maintain when the winter months roll in. If you’re struggling to make it happen, you’re not alone.
As the temps drop and the moisture in our skin evaporates more quickly, it can be hard to avoid getting that dried-out look and feeling that comes along with the cooler weather.
Luckily, you can fight this off from the inside out with a few simple tricks that will have your skin singing the praises of winter, without the dry crackly undertones.
Here’s how you can hydrate and get beautiful skin from the inside out:
Eat Your Water
Even though most people would guess ‘drinking’ water would come up first on this list, we’re going with the experts on this one by suggesting you ‘eat’ your water instead.
Top beauty experts and nutritionists agree the quickest way to hydrate your skin is to fill up on food that contains plenty of H2O.
Fruits and vegetables like watermelon, lemon, and cucumber contain valuable water along with vitamins and minerals your body can use to repair damaged cells.
Take Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps reduce signs of aging and hydrates skin by helping retain collagen and keeping cells healthy and plump, which keeps you looking youthful and vibrant.
Get plenty of Vitamin C rich foods—such as bell pepper, broccoli, and citrus. If you aren’t a huge veggie-lover, you may want to consider a supplement to bridge the gap.
Get Your Beauty Rest
Damaged skin cells repair while you sleep, so getting adequate rest is paramount to maintaining a glowing complexion. All the vitamins and support in the world won’t amount to much if you don’t get the downtime required to revitalize.
Most experts agree that a healthy amount of sleep for the average adult is anywhere between 6-9 hours, depending on the person and age. Create a consistent pattern of sleep to help your body’s largest organ—your skin—repair, beautify, and preserve itself.
Do your part this winter to get your skin healthy, hydrated, and glowing by eating water-rich foods, getting plenty of Vitamin C, and making the commitment to get your beauty rest.
Your body is an amazing machine. Provide it the right tools and care, and it’ll help your beauty shine, inside and outside too!
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